Thursday, June 12, 2008

Guns, Guns, Guns

Often I hear people who believe the world would be a safer place if you took all the guns away. The truth is, then only the bad guys would have them. Armed, responsible US citizens keep us all safe. The university shootings that were well publicized (think Virginia Tech) happened in states where citizens are not allowed to carry. If just one armed citizen who carries, trains and prepares, could save lives in these cases. I for one carry a gun everywhere, and I am prepared to defend my life, property, family, and freedom; even if it means the one trying to take that away ends up dead. Does that make me a vicious psychopath? Think what you will; I pray each day, as most in law enforcement do, that I never have to draw my weapon. But I also pray to be swift, perceptive and effective if I ever do!

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