Thursday, January 29, 2009

My New Gun

I love my new gun, it has three 20 round clips and Obama doesn't want me to have it.....what could be better. I used our food storage budget to buy thought process is if I have 60 bullets that's either 60 halves of beef (or elk or venison or whatever game is in season) or 60 people who will donate their food storage to me :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

After a brief Hiatus

I am back to blogging, I think everyone should know I am starting a new religion, and its pretty much based on Dwight Schrute and everything he does. By the way incase you don't know the superbowl is just the pregame show for what is shaping up to be the best Office episode watch the Superbowl just to see previews!!!