I don't realy think this picture needs alot of explaining. Utes-Gay-Clay Aiken enought said. I am sure Lance Bass (another Ute fan) is happy to have company on the UTE bandwagon.
I always wanted to have the force and even if it meant joining forces with the dark lords of the sith. I became Darth Thusias half brother of the famed Darth Maul (we take after dads side)my sword is much shorter than his but like I tell Cathleen "its not the size of the sword, its the skill of the swordsman"
guess how I voted? yes I hope everyone goes out and votes. The way I put it..."I can't complain if I don't vote". I would rather vote for a cartoon character than either of the idiots running but...Mcain seems the lesser of the two idiots...but I am not voting for him I voted for....Clint yes i am running for President! I guess my chances are about what Ralph Nader's are right?
I am strikingly handsome, rugged and am a world class chef (so my family tells me). I have sniper talent as I can shoot 2 holes in a quarter from 300 yards with 2 bullets (if there is no wind). That talent is wasted though as I do all my hunting with a stick and string.